Venue: Midnight's Place
Regulars Present: Midnight, Salubri, Shink1m, Balian, Kyuzo
Other Players Present: Henri
Not much in terms of game highlights for me today, since I came in a little late to catch up on some gaming over at Midnight's. Here's the results of the games that day:
Game1 Salubri(Eldar, Sword of Light) vs. Shink1m(Necrons, Tomb Fleet Vyr)2000pts Secure and Control Alpha (Four Counters)
Shink1m Wins!
Got details of this from Shink1m: Eldar was able to claim one counter using his Fire Prism while Tomb Fleet Vyr claimed two counters on the other flank.
Kim has put up a new blog for his Tomb Fleet Vyr. Check it out as well as his commentary on the battle here.
Game2 Henri(Space Wolves) vs. Balian(13th Company)2000pts Secure and Control Omega
Balian Wins via VP!
Game3 Midnight(Eldar, Sword of Light) vs. Kyuzo(Chaos Space Marines, Black Legion)2000pts Take and Hold Omega
Midnight Wins via Massacre!
A comedy of errors for me on this one, with not much room to recover. Crucial for me here would be the my Chaos Sorcerer on bike failing his psychic test (rolled an 11) to fire Wind of Chaos on his Howling Banshees and Waveserpent. Howling Banshees got to countercharge and in the later turns cut the Sorcerer down despite rolling 6's to wound. Second would be my Chaos Lord on bike rolling a 1 on his Daemon Weapon attacks and eventually die on a sweeping advance by the Warpspiders and Autarch. Served some payback on the Autarch with a Powerfist from one of the CSM squads, only to be given the Eldar Rain of Death treatment with practically everything with fusion guns to finish. Shooting with fusion guns first would've been enough, so I guess Midnight was trying to prove a point. :P
Midnight here - this was a great army list (and my thanks to Salubri) against kyuzo's chaos. agree with kyuzo on comedy of errors and i'm sure i made more than him. i just got lucky with the rolls - them banshees really should have been dead 2nd turn pa lang. swooping parrots, warp spiders were fun (surprisingly) to use. the 2 wraithlords both passing their wraithsight checks the whole game! sorry to kyuzo, minsan lang ako maka-massacre :)
We finished relatively early but were a little tired for the usual poker games after 40k gaming. Dropped Midnight off at the nearby MRT station and the rest went to Quattro for dinner. For a change. ;)Session ends 9pm-ish.