Sunday, October 24, 2010

Journal # 150 - Le Paper Mâché Battle Report

October 16, 2010

Attendance - John, Nigel, Wiley, Ryan, Zeb, Ian, Bojo, Dennis, Augie, with Special Apperances from Patrick, Doc Benj, Johnathan and Mark

Warhammer 40,000

Game 1
John (CSM-Night Lords) vs Nigel (Tau)
Points: 1500
Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Dawn of War
Result: John wins!

Game 2
Zeb (SM-Space Wolves) vs John (CSM-Night Lords)
Points: 2000
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Spearhead
Result: Zeb wins!

Game 3
Ian (Tyranids) vs Bojo (Space Marines)
Points: 2000
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Result: Bojo wins!

Game 4
Dennis (SM-Space Wolves) vs Augie (Imperial Guard)
Points: 2500
Mission: Seize Ground
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Result: Draw via double tap-out! LOL

Game 5
Zeb (SM-Space Wolves) & John (CSM-Night Lords) vs Augie (Imperial Guard)
Points: 2500
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Dawn of War
Result: Zeb and John win!

Warhammer Fantasy

Game 1
Wiley (Vampire Counts) vs Ryan C. (High Elves)
Points: 1500
Scenario: Dawn Attack
Result: Wiley wins!

Game 2
Ian (Empire) vs Wiley (Vampire Counts)
Points: 2000
Scenario: Battleline
Result: Wiley wins!

Gaming Session Ends 7:30pm, Post-Gaming Drinking Ends 3:30am for 3

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