Thursday, September 20, 2007

HGR Journal Entry No. 032 - Killing Fields - Aftermath

Okay so midnight and I went to HH after office hours last wednesday to test the modified version of Killing Fields. It ended up being just that. A killing field!

We both decided to deploy facing the center marker as spreading our forces too thinly would cause our troops to get picked off one by one. Turn two and no one decided to take on the objective as each opponent was poised to counter anyone going for the objective. On Midnight's left flank sat the Totem Hunter behind some buildings, staying out of the Gun Mage Captain's effective range. On his right flank were the Centrati which eventually easily over came the two Stormsmiths sniping at their leader and was free to take the object. The game was decided in the middle however, as the bulk of the battlegroups and war parties were lined up for a major engagement by turn two. Turn 3 proved to be the deciding factor as midnight pours out a flurry of spells that caused the Thunderhead's strength to be used against every Cygnar model within 3". The result was catastrophic almost wiping out the knights, killing the journeyman and damaging the Thunderhead! To add to that it was Hexeris' feat turn which then put every "dead" model in his control before being removed from the game! Devastated by the enemy, the Cygnaran's went into melee and Stryker seeing a hole in the enemy's defense took his chance! It was feat turn for Cygnar and everyone could move 3" and attack after all friendly model's have activated. This allowed an overloaded Stryker to make the final movement and contact a fury-less Hexeris!

The game ended with Cygnar taking the field after 1 hour and 30 minutes!


high noon said...

i'd like to mention that was an epic stryker! fricking overload gave him pow+s 26!!!

game was fun nonetheless. first time i pulled off hexeris' feat+magic spells to great effect :)

Salubri said...

yep. overloaded stryker. pretty dicey too. i could have rolled +5 stregnth and killed myself with that. lol

I think the mission changes went fine as it removed the possibility of a premature game over. Counting control points at the bottom of the turn also made things fair as your opponent can do something prior to the point credits.

Nice game Midnight! Looking forward to the next weekday warrior session. too bad Kyuzo couldn't come!