Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winning is everything...

Written by Liberato Tan
Sportsmanship Awardee for 2009 GT held by Neutral Grounds

1.    the character, practice, or skill of a sportsman.
2.    sportsmanlike conduct, as fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser, etc.

As you can find and read in the dictionary the meaning of sportsmanship. In the 40K GT, I wanted to win. I wanted to crush my opponent. I wanted to be the best. So who does not feel that way even for a second? After 10 years of playing Warhammer 40K, this is my first award in sportsmanship. What did I do right this time? Let me see.

1)    I came in on time and prepared my army. After each game, I cleaned up the table and got my army ready to move to another table.
2)    I printed out two copies of my army list. (One for my opponent and one for myself)
3)    I explained my army composition, special weapons and acts of faith to each opponent.
4)    I gave my opponent the opportunity to ask any questions about my army.
5)    I shook hands with my opponent before and after each game.
6)    I complemented my opponent’s great saving throws. (My bleeding heart)
7)    I tried to play fast and limit any delays in decision making during my turn.
8)    I curse a lot on my bad dice rolling but kept it to myself (as much as I can, and yes I did shout a lot but with a smile) and try hard not intimidate my opponent .(bad rolling this time, failing divine guidance below 10 and failing leadership check on a 10. This happened too many  times and in one game, as much as six consecutive times)
9)    I smiled a lot during this tourney even when my dice rolls do "epic fail".
10)    I showed my dice rolls to all my opponents.
11)    I did not complain much on Line of Sight issues.
12)    I had fun and made sure even if I was on a losing or winning streak, my opponent enjoyed the game as well. (Experience taught me a lot. Playing against different players we must emulate their good points; for example Emcee’s Killer Smile, Ian Siongco’s  gay attitude “whatever, just roll”, or Jay Estaris “My weak army”, small things that make you smile and laugh, even when you are on the losing streak.)
13)    I did not gloat on destroying the other army and shook hands after making a great kill.
14)    I complemented my opponents great shooting or winning a round of assault.
15)    I sympathized with my opponents when making lots of failed dice roll. (heart pumping fast, Yes!!!)
16)    Courtesy to your opponent and being civil with your tongue is very important.

Winning is everything to all of us, but winning new friendships and renewing old ones is the best one. Cheers. See you all at the gaming table.


Salubri said...

will add pics later. have stuff to do muna.

ManongGuard said...

Very well said Oberon! You are a testament on how someone can remain competitive yet very sportsmanlike.

Congrats ulit.